We celebrated the 50th day of Kindergarten in 50's fashion!
We had a Kindergarten Sock Hop as we danced to 50's music in our socks.
Bubble Blowing
We enjoyed root beer floats with Mrs. Craighead's class.
We looked at toys from the 1950's and talked about which toys are still played with today. We learned that Mr. Potato head was invented in 1954 and he did not have a body. Kids had to use a real potato to make him.
We welcomed Kellie Smith to our class on Monday! We now have a class of 22 amazing kindergarteners! |
Fresh mulch was delivered to our playground this week!
We played "Guess the Missing Number" with a partner.
Students worked hard at work during workstations.
Students will begin meeting with me in small guided reading groups next week.
Students became pumpkin experts as they learned all about the life cycle of a pumpkin and did many experiments with our class pumpkin. We gave our pumpkin a bubble bath to see if it would sink of float. It floated!

Pumpkin Investigation
Students enjoyed seeing Mrs. Holman's carved pumpkin pictures. |
We cleaned out our class pumpkin and counted all of the seeds by putting them in groups of 10. It had 575 seeds!
We are looking forward to our field trip to Sinkland Farms Pumpkin Patch on Friday! |
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