Friday, September 30, 2016

Community Helpers

We've had a fun week learning about Community Helpers!

We dressed up as chefs for lunch.

Students dressed up as what they would like to be when they grow up. 

Mrs. Thomas

Mrs. Underwood

Mrs. Lambert

Students got to share what their mom and dad's do while the class had to guess their profession. 

Literacy Workstations

More Literacy Workstations

Students spilled the beans and raced to put their beans back in numerical order. 

Students counted beads onto pipe cleaners and made bracelets.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Peek at the week

We've had an amazing time learning about apples this week! 
We made applesauce with the other Kindergarten students.  We helped peel and cut up the apples.  We cooked them in a crock pot all day & got to try our school-made applesauce on Friday afternoon.  It was delicious!!!!

We were apple scientists this week and enjoyed doing many fun experiments with apples.  We measured our apples with yarn, weighed using a scale comparing the weight of the apple to cubes and bears, and we found out that apples float. 

We graphed our apples by color and created apple diagrams labeling the parts of an apple using stem, leaf, skin, flesh, core, and seeds.  We also read a story about the little red house with no windows, no door, and a star inside.  We cut open the little red house to see what was inside.  It was a STAR!  We created stamp paintings of the beautiful star we found inside!

We celebrated Lexi Richardson's 5th birthday on Friday! Happy Birthday to you, Lexi!

We were amazing apple artists. 
 Students had to cut out their own pictures out to show the steps to grow an apple tree.

We enjoyed listening to Mrs. Underwood read a  Junie B. Jones chapter book to us.

We were rewarded for our positive behavior with indoor recess for working so hard to build our Mr. Potato head.

Mr. Potato head loves having all of his parts! 

We spent time independently reading to our book buddies using the books in our book baskets.

We celebrated Mrs. Lambert's birthday! 

Friday, September 16, 2016

Peek at the Week

We had a taste test.  We tasted a sour lemon, bitter unsweetened chocolate, a salty pretzel, and a sweet M&M.  Looks were deceiving when it came to the chocolate.  It was not the taste we expected....

We practiced counting out counters into ten frames. 

We are almost number writing pros! 

7th graders, Brooke Negron and Jordan Ingram each read a book to our class.  It's hard to believe that I taught them in this same kindergarten classroom 7 years ago.  I am so very proud of them! 

We practiced counting beans as we placed them onto the dotted numbers.

This was our last week of music with Ms. Kari for a while. The students have had so much musical fun with her the last several weeks! 

We used an interactive Ten Frame to count the dots and count ourselves. 

Lucky the Rabbit's 1st adventure on the Kindergarten playground!   

Some-bunny needs a manicure....